I feel like the last few days I have been challeged again...
Just as I started to open up and trust new people, stupid circumstances have occured.
I tried to go out to Vails free concert with my young guide friends...the night had a great start but as it continued and the alcohol blurred my vision. I couldn't help feel a bit alone.
My young friends were caught up in thier own agenda...trying to get into bars with fake ID's trying to get thier ID's back when they were taken by the bouncer. They also were rookies to the vail scene, so the thoughts of being selective didn't really apply to them.
Just when I wanted them to stick it out for me they went home and I was alone to take on the vail scene...by myself. (not so fun)
And riding the bus from vail home was a blurry mess...but when I got off the bus I had an unexpected someone holding me up as I walked home...yet as I reached closer to home I relize that my wallet had been taken or lost. It frightened me that I was easy prey...I am now responsible for my own protection. And it seems that I had been preyed on by this unexpected person. money comes and goes...but the wallet had $360 dollars in it. Two days later someone turned it in to the police station with everything in it but the cash.
It has put me back in check, should I be walking home from the bar alone...Next time anyone tries to even speak to me on the street...will I recoil...grab my purse...or cause more of a scence because of this betrayl...I feel less open then ever before.
So as money is easy come easy go...so is my trust.
One step forward two steps back.....
love kreature
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